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Browne Pelican’s purpose is the development and pursuit of litigation, with an emphasis on the former.

Browne Pelican identifies potentially meritorious litigation, conducts in-depth investigations of the underlying conduct, and conducts legal research to develop “ready-to-file” lawsuits, typically in the form of a final draft complaint.

Browne Pelican then seeks to co-counsel with the proposed plaintiff’s existing counsel to jointly pursue the proposed litigation. One component of the co-counsel relationship is Browne Pelican’s commitment to fund some or all of the expenses associated with the proposed litigation. In many instances, co-counsel will need to agree to fund at least some portion of expenses, as the size of the proposed lawsuits will exceed the financial capacity of Browne Pelican alone.

Browne Pelican does not anticipate a lot of inquiries, but if you’d like to chat, you are more than welcome to contact the firm at: